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Chemical Injection Panels


Major oil and gas producer with oil fields located in central Africa.

From an initial request for instrument supply, our Oil and Gas customer asked JWF to design and build 20 chemical injection panels. 

The panels are to be utilised in their paraffin inhibitor at the wellheads and will measure a representative value of paraffin to be injected using VA meters and controlled by metering valves.


The photo on the left shows some of the panels installed. 

The panels consist of needle valves, process flow valves, varaible area flow meters and double block and bleed isolations. 

From receiving the initial PO from our customer all 20 panels were designed, built and shipped within 9 weeks.


"Based on a basic sketch and description for chemical injection flow control panels, JWF engineers interpreted this into an excellent design and professional detailed drawings and BOM. Within 6 months the flow control panels were installed and working satisfactorily, this avoided buying expensive separate chemical injection packages for each well."

Client Engineer - January 2019

JWF delivers innovative measurement solutions to a diverse range of industries across multiple sectors