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Curved Thermowell Solution

Customer Issue

The end user needed to protect downstream pipe work from the carry over of cold hydrocarbon liquid and exceeding the pipe design specification.

A new separator temperature measurement would provide the necessary control and protection.

The challenge was that the separator vessel only had a single flanged process connection. But it was on the side and near the bottom. What could we do?


Following reviews with JWF and ABB the curved thermowell was born.

A curved thermowell with multipoint measurements allowed the trending of the  separator process temperature.

By providing a “drop” of 340mm we could measure the temperature within the vessel’s liquid level.

The solution incorporated: 4 off duplex K-type thermocouples, 4 off SIL rated ABB TTH300 transmitters connected to a certified junction box.


The curved thermowell is now installed and  working reliably.

This engineered solution has enabled better separator performance by providing a suitable SIL rated solution.

As a result, production throughput offshore has also increased.



JWF delivers innovative measurement solutions to a diverse range of industries across multiple sectors