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Steam Balancing saving small distillery £3K per month

The Challenge

The whisky industry is a heat intensive sector with heat accounting for around 80% of its primary energy requirements. There is an even higher proportion of heat to power requirement within the most intensive sites e.g. distilleries. Distillers have taken active steps to reduce demand for heat by improving energy efficiency and investing in renewable energy projects.

RHI funding has played a crucial part helping projects get off the ground.

A major headache within these renewable energy projects can be steam measurement. Steam measurement equipment must have as a minimum, the following components continuously measuring the steam properties and calculating the cumulative steam energy that has passed through the measuring system.

  • A flow meter to determine how much fluid (steam) has passed through a pipe over a given time period;
  • A pressure sensor for measuring the pressure of steam flowing through the pipe;
  • A temperature sensor - a device for measuring the temperature of steam flowing through the pipe;
  • A calculator/digital integrator - a device which uses the information provided by the flow meter, temperature and pressure sensors to calculate the cumulative heat energy transferred through the pipe.

Our Solution

JWF have helped our customers adhere to the regulation guidelines set out by Ofgem for RHI (Renewable Heat Incentive) projects by offering ABB Swirl Meters versus the conventional Vortex flow meters.

  • Swirl Meters create their own flow profile within the meter, so they require only 3 straight diameters upstream and 1 downstream compared to 15 and 5 of their Vortex cousin.
  • Swirl Meters offer a higher degree of accuracy than most Vortex meters.
  • Along with all the benefits that the Vortex brings in Energy measurement the Swirl Meter offers the following:
  1. Elimination of external temperature measurement
  2. Full cost savings for external flow computer
  3. Increased system accuracy by directly applying the provided pressure measuring signal

 View Swirl Meter product page

potential savings on installation
per month saving
month payback

The Outcome

In providing a solution for one of our major distillery customer’s, we have supplied 5 SwirlMasters in order to accurately measure boiler efficiency.

Due to the increased accuracy levels which the SwirlMaster offers, our customer is saving £3,000 per month.

For more information and to speak to one of the team call or click below.

+44 141 880 7455