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Thermal Energy Measurement for NHS Hospital

Customer Issue

A NHS Hospital needed to measure temperature and primary flow rate in order to control the pump speed to create a more energy efficient system within their plant room.



JWF installed a FLEXIM non-invasive ultrasonic thermal energy meter. The clamp-on flow meter was permanently installed next to the BMS control panel to monitor the primary MTHW flow and return temperatures and primary flow rate serving the hospital.

The thermal energy flow meter has a RS485 modbus communications port which is connected to the BMS Distech EC-Bos Mater communications controller and will allow transfer of information from the fellow meter device to be monitored and displayed by the BMS BOWS.


The ultrasonic flow meter flow and return temperature sensors are configured in a software regime via the BMS to increase and decrease the pump speed via the variable speed drive based on the return temperature and outside air temperature.